Bamboo Bakery

"Yum, Yum, mmmmm!"

Photo courtesy of
By Katelyn Helgemoe

Taking pleasure in creating beautiful, edible works of art is what Bamboo Bakery takes pride in. Opened in 2002, owner David Pham has made unique, inexpensive cakes the forefront of his bakery. Offering over 150 different cake flavors and fillings, the main goal of the bakery is to customize each cake to each customer’s individual wish. 

Located in west Phoenix on Glendale Avenue, Bamboo Bakery sits quietly on the edge of a strip mall surrounded by a liquor store and various ethnic shops. Because of the location, a large number of Bamboo Bakery's customers are immigrants hailing from Mexico and Vietnam. 

Bamboo Bakery has received the Bride’s Choice Award annually since 2007. Along with offering wedding cakes, Bamboo Bakery makes specialty cakes for birthdays, quinceaneras, anniversaries, holidays or any other special occasion. One look inside the bakery, and the floor to ceiling cake displays will excite most buyers. Bamboo Bakery also offers an array of decedent desserts including, red velvet chocolate mousse, swan cream puffs, espresso mousse and tuxedo brownies.

Bamboo Bakery stands out among other bakeries around the Valley because instead of using fondant, a thick, smooth substance used to  cover cakes, it only uses butter cream to cover cakes. Since most people don’t eat the fondant, Pham says it doesn’t make sense to use it and although it’s much more difficult to achieve the smooth look of fondant, it is well worth it and most customers can't even tell the difference.  

According to Pham, the "topsy-turvy" style of cakes, cakes looking off balance, are the bakery's signature design. Along with the signiture look, pink champagne cake with raspberry champagne filling is a top seller and one of the most popular cake and filling combinations Pham adds.   

Along with displaying their beautiful works of art inside their store, Bamboo Bakery also hosts several fashion shows to showcase their cakes and to provide the public with an opportunity to see what Bamboo Bakery has to offer. Bamboo Bakery also attends numerous bridal expos throughout Arizona. 

To learn more about Bamboo Bakery visit their website or call 602.246.8061 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              602.246.8061      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Inside Bamboo Bakery

By Katelyn Helgemoe